Adhoc concerned by deaths related to domestic violence

At least 11 people were murdered during domestic disputes or committed suicide after suffering domestic violence in the past two months, local rights group Adhoc said in a statement Monday. Only two perpetrators were charged in these crimes, Adhoc said, highlighting the lack of law enforcement. “Adhoc is deeply concerned about the increased rates of death and suicide as a result of domestic violence within families, especially with regard to serious cases of violence that have occurred during the last two months,” it said. … In 2013, a perpetrator was arrested in only around a quarter of reported domestic violence cases. “In most cases, mediation by local authorities was undertaken,” Adhoc said. The organization lists six recommendations for the government on how to better tackle domestic violence, including early intervention by authorities, establishing hotline and counseling services for victims, and punishing perpetrators instead of attempting to mediate between them and their victims. …

Denise Hruby and Kuch Naren